
Many of the names of plants, animals etc. is of historical origin and may not be accepted as a species name today. Certain species have been stripped of their names and subsequently given new ones, where their old names may have been used for completely different species. Other species may even have been misjudged by the author/artist, and have been given the wrong name.
Along the way I have tried to write both the presumed correct name and at the same time the name given by the author. In some places I have only been able to procure either one or the other. And in completely other places I have had to guess at names, or omit the name entirely, and content myself with a visual description.
It is of course my wish and aim to have names on all illustrations, but the given names are therefore "assumed" based on the above text, and must not be considered necessarily to be scientifically correct.

In general, DigiArtGuy does not take responsibility for texts, art, information, etc. on or relating to the images. There I refer to the original authors and artists, etc.