Boxing kangaroo (Кенгуру -Боксер), Vladimir Durov Jr - Circus poster seen on Friends tv show
Boxing kangaroo (Кенгуру -Боксер), Vladimir Durov Jr - Circus poster seen on Friends tv show
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Another older Soviet poster that has featured in the Friends TV show is this one of the boxing kangaroo.
As special and fantastic as the poster is, it is unfortunately a poster about which only little information is immediately available.
It is from 1933 and the text at the bottom of the poster refers to Vladimir Durov Junior, which means that it originates from some of their circus performances. On the other hand, there is plenty of information about the Durov family. In the old Soviet Union, everything was controlled, including the entertainment industry. So everything that had to do with circus, theatre, clowns and animal shows went through a strict state control in order to be able to get permission to be performed, and it was not unusual that grants went more easily to people who already had permission in advance. This has quite naturally meant that very few people sat on the entire industry, rather than it being distributed among several people. The Durov family was one of the families that knew how to keep it in the family, and they were therefore able for many generations together to build an entire dynasty where they controlled large parts of the entertainment industry.
The small round symbol behind the boxing kangaroo is the official mark that the show is state approved.
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